As any elite athlete will tell you; ‘mindset is everything’. In this short but provocative post, Bill will challenge you to create and maintain a Referral Mindset.
When you think about getting referrals for your business, do you think about referrals as being in abundance or in scarcity? Many years ago, Earl Nightengale produced the first ever motivation album. Not audio tape or audio CD, but a vinyl record. It was called “The Strangest Secret.” The essence of Earl’s secret was “What you think about, you become.”
You may be aware of the book and video that many people are talking about called “The Secret.” While the way the authors have portrayed this concept has drawn both praise and criticism, I believe the essence of their message is undeniable – what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life.
We can relate this concept to every aspect of our lives, but since my expertise is in the area of referrals, let’s stay with that. If you constantly think and feel that referrals for you are a scarce resource, you will likely keep them in that state of scarcity. On the other hand, if you can come to the realisation that referrals can be had in abundance, then you will create that reality for yourself.
To some, this may seem a little “woo woo.” All I know is that what we focus on grows stronger in our lives. Focus on lack – or your fear of scarcity – and that’s what you will create. Focus on abundance and you will most likely create that.
Of course, you have to take specific actions to make this all a reality. A great activity is to spend 15 minutes brainstorming and categorising names of your existing clients you could ask for referrals.
So why don’t you go ahead and give this one simple exercise a try and start creating your own abundance.